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Duplo DSM 1000 B2 平壓模切機 B2啤機 紙盒啤機

Duplo DSM-1000 B2 Die Cut machine 模切機 啤機

Dupo DF-1300 吸風摺紙機


Duplo DFC配頁機 + DBM 150 + DBM-150T 製書系統

Dupo DF-850/870 摺紙機


Duplo DSF 2200+DBM 150 小形數碼供纸製本機


Duplo DBMS System 製本系統

Duplo DC-646 滾切/裁切/壓痕

Duplo DBM-600 System 製本系統

Duplo DDC-810 UV塗佈機製品樣板

Duplo DSF-6000 System 高數碼供紙機

Duplo DC-618 滾切/裁切/壓痕 文件分切機

DSC 1060iL 免風泵智能供紙配頁機/執張機/分紙機

Duplo DDC-810 UV塗佈機製/ Raised Spot UV Coater / 數碼UV上光機

Duplo Esper DM 230V 報紙配頁機 Direct Mail Collator

Duplo DF- 999 , DF-990 摺紙機 / 摺信機 / 摺頁機 / Paper Folder

Duplo DC 446 壓痕/摺痕/壓線機 -針線 Creaser

Duplo DFC-SII + DFC 122 配頁連訂邊訂角機

Duplo DFC 122 配頁機 / 分紙機 /執張機

2021 Duplo DBMS System 製本系統

Dupo DSF-2200/DBM-350/DSS-350數碼製本系統

Duplo DP-X系列速印機



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Duplo HK YouTube Channel


Through many years of specialized technological development, Duplo products are not only high performance and very efficient but are unique as they are created in response to our customer's needs.

At Duplo, our team of specialists can provide you with the right product and system for your specific needs as well as a comprehensive repair and maintenance service to give you peace of mind.


在 Duplo,我們的專家團隊可以為您提供適合您特定需求的產品和系統,以及全面的維修和維護服務,讓您安心


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